As i prepare to take a couple of tests next week, studying has picked up and with studying comes the usual dabbling. Ideas of the different kinds of motorcycles I want to build are churning slow and deliberately in the back of my head. And along with the ideas are vivid pictures of naked, stripped down machines that are almost never seen on Indian roads. We're the species who thinks more for the price of less is always a bargain. 'Faantashtic!' even as Russel Peters puts it. But until i learn how to draw a straight line with a ruler, and put my ideas down on a piece of paper, you people are going to have to settle for photographs. This is a motorcycle I've been building for a while. Constant evolution and bucket loads of sweat and bloody fingers will ensure that she's going to be stunning. And hopefully even start a trend. So please rise and give it up for the first Bare Nekkid Lady...Layla!
PS: Since this blog was started to discuss my efforts with the camera, may be i need to go up one stop for that kind of light. No?